ABOUT KAVITA THAKKAR - The Founder of The Infinite Divines
She is a strong believer towards the approach of holistic healing “Quest” for knowledge describes her best. Her main aim is to help people with their imbalances & guiding them towards a balanced lifestyle. she affirms that holistic healing is “Wholeness”. Her forte is to help people recover through healings. She practices different sorts of healing modalities which is mentioned above & along with healing, she also recommends people with customized Diet Plan which would further help her clients to get consistent & better results.
Kavita believes that these types of healing are proving to be really beneficial & result oriented for living a healthy life. Holistic healing not only heals people physiologically & emotionally but simultaneously fosters a persons insight & inner peace.
Apart from helping people to inculcate these recommendations in their day-to-day life, she also promotes it by conducting workshops on the same. Attending the workshops is suggested as it further gives a better clarity on the implementation of the healings in daily hurdles. People also do subscribe to her newsletters that pitches about varied topics for overall well-being.
What is Vastu Shastra? Vastu Shastra – an inquisitive science of architecture encapsulates the forces which act upon a given space through flow of positive energy by using the 5 Elements .Vastu refers to ‘abode’ or mansion and Shastra or Vidya means science or knowledge, so Vastu Vidya is the sacred holistic science pertaining to…